Friday, June 30, 2006

Sinnerboy - Crewe Limelight 29th June 2006

Sinnerboy returned to the Limelight last night for the first time this year. The Limey crowd is usually loud and appreciative and tonight's was no exception even though numbers were a little down on last time. This is happening across the country at the moment with all the sundry other distractions of an English summer, so it's no reflection on the bands playing out there. It was new drummer Steve Tansley's second gig and he looks a worthy successor to Stevie R. (I'm not too sure about flinging the t-shirt off though; a bit racy for Crewe!)

The photos were taken with our new camera, a Casio Exilim EX Z60, so there are a few experiments going on with settings and that. The original pics are huge (about 3.5 mb) so if you want a copy, ask me and I'll email, don't try and enlarge from the blog as they're only a fraction of the size).



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